- PT

Muito além do simples desenho de um logotipo, o desenvolvimento de uma marca envolve uma série de etapas que incluem pesquisa, análises, testes e planejamento. A partir dessas atividades, um padrão é definido, criado e aplicado em toda a comunicação da marca, tanto verbal quanto visual, de forma estratégica. Para alcançar uma comunicação integrada e eficaz, são utilizados elementos como textos, fotos, cores, formas, tom de voz e personalidade, além do próprio nome da marca, mantendo uma estratégia de comunicação intencional, alinhada aos objetivos e necessidades do negócio. Este documento desempenha a função de apresentar o universo da marca desenvolvido, fundamentar as decisões estratégicas relacionadas a cada elemento e esclarecer como a marca deve se comunicar na prática, servindo como um manual e guia para a sua empresa e colaboradores.

- EN

Beyond the mere design of a logo, developing a brand involves research, analysis, testing, and planning. Through this process, a standard is defined, created, and applied to all aspects of the brand's communication, whether verbal or visual, in a strategic manner. Texts, photos, colors, shapes, tone of voice, personality, and even the brand name are used for integrated and effective communication, maintaining an intentional communication strategy based on the business's objectives and needs. This document serves to present the created brand universe, support the strategic decisions of each element, and clarify how the brand should communicate in practice, serving as a manual and guide for your company and employees.

Sobre a igreja

A Grace River é uma igreja localizada em Massachusetts, nos Estados Unidos. Ela é uma filial da Igreja Quadrangular (Foursquare Church), sendo estabelecida pelo pastor Willi Moreira e sua esposa, com o objetivo de atrair jovens e famílias brasileiras que residem na região, independentemente de sua fé. A Grace River pretende ser uma segunda família, acolhendo e transformando experiências negativas anteriores por meio do verdadeiro amor fraternal. Um dos projetos da igreja é auxiliar os imigrantes a regularizarem sua situação e se estabelecerem no país, servindo à comunidade e demonstrando generosidade, amor e graça.

About the church

Grace River is a church located in Massachusetts, United States. It is a branch of the Foursquare Church, being planted by Pastor Willi Moreira and his wife, with the focus of attracting Brazilian youth and families living in the region, whether they are Christians or not. Grace River aims to be a second family, welcoming and redefining previous negative experiences through genuine fraternal love. One of the projects is to help immigrants legalize and settle in the country, serving their community and demonstrating generosity, love, and grace.

To fulfill the call to preach the Gospel and make disciples of Jesus. We use our fellowship and relationships as the main tools to present Jesus Christ through our lives.

We aim to have approximately 200 members within 3 years and to plant 2 more Grace River churches nearby in the region.

Love one another; Jesus; Serve; Generosity; Create memories; Transformed lives; Discipleship; Word of God.

Caregiver Archetype

Your desire is truly to help people, offer support, find ways to improve the lives of your clients. Embracing your archetype will allow you to provide assistance, establish authentic connections, and be a reliable source of help.
A warm, attentive, generous, and maternal approach provides a sense of security that tends to attract. Educational and awareness messages can be key.

Goal: Protect, take care of others, and assist.
Skill: Acting for others with compassion and generosity.
Weakness: Martyrdom and exploitation. Selfishness and ingratitude.

Everyman Archetype

This archetype often asks the following questions: Can I be part of a specific group and still be myself? How do I obtain true love? What do I need to change to improve my life? To speak directly to your ideal audience, you need to make them feel a sense of belonging. Brands centered around everyday activities can use this archetype.
Goal: To belong and connect with others.
Skill: Developing solid virtues, being down-to-earth, realistic, demonstrating empathy, and humility.
Weakness: Losing oneself to be accepted or letting relationships become artificial.

Brand Concept

Pastor Willi Moreira had a vision from God, where he understood the direction to plant a church that would flow like a river of God's grace in the community. The Word of God says, "Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them." - John 7:38

Grace River means "River of Grace" in Portuguese, so the brand communication follows the essence of the church. The focus is on the river of life that comes from God and the constant living of grace within the church, so that people may know God and His love.

"Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." Acts 2:46,47


We are the Church of Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit to be part of the flow of God's grace. This flow is like a river of living water, which wherever it passes satisfies thirst, cleanses, renews, heals, transforms, and gives new life. This water is JESUS, who gave Himself to save us. "But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John 4:14)


For the construction of the symbol in the logo, three elements were used together: the circle, the heart, and the river. According to the psychology of shapes, the circle can represent harmony, unity, protection, and care. These are indispensable characteristics in a church and translate well the archetype of the caregiver and the common face.

Like the circle, the heart is associated with the word "grace" in the brand name, being a clear symbol of love, present in the life of Christ and the communion of the Body. And for the word "river," a design of moving waters was made, representing the river of living waters that flows from the throne of God.

Sobre a paleta

A cor principal escolhida para a paleta da marca foi um tom de azul claro, que representa o "rio", além de ser uma cor perfeita para a combinação dos arquétipos do cuidador e do homem comum. De acordo com a psicologia das cores, o azul transmite cuidado, confiança, paz, bondade e pureza. Para acompanhar o azul, dentro da paleta principal, temos o branco e o cinza escuro, que trazem sobriedade e equilíbrio, deixando a comunicação visual madura, séria e neutra.

Outras cores, em harmonia com o azul, foram utilizadas para expandir a comunicação da igreja em seus diversos ministérios. Os tons de verde, amarelo, vermelho e lilás podem ser utilizados de diversas formas, desde que a proporção das cores esteja adequada ao público-alvo em questão.

About the palette

The main color chosen for the brand palette was a light shade of blue, which represents the "river," in addition to being a perfect color for the combination of the caregiver and common man archetypes. According to color psychology, blue conveys care, trust, peace, kindness, and purity. To complement the blue, within the main palette, we have white and dark gray, which bring sobriety and balance, making the visual communication mature, serious, and neutral.

Other colors, in harmony with blue, were used to extend the church's communication across its various ministries. Shades of green, yellow, red, and lilac can be used in various ways, as long as the proportion of colors aligns with the target audience in question.

Sobre as fontes

A tipografia escolhida para o logotipo e os títulos dos textos é a Dishcek, que é uma fonte humanista com serifa, evitando a formalidade excessiva. Ela pode ser utilizada em caixa alta para títulos mais expressivos e destacados, e em caixa baixa para textos corridos ou mais leves. Para textos de apoio e a tagline do logotipo, foi selecionada a família tipográfica Josefin Sans. Ela é uma fonte sem serifa e geométrica, o que traz informalidade, jovialidade e modernidade. A Josefin possui diversas variações de peso para criar dinamismo nos textos corridos.

About the Fonts

The chosen typography for the logo and text titles is Dishcek, which is a humanist serif font, avoiding excessive formality. It can be used in uppercase for more expressive and prominent titles, and in lowercase for running text or lighter content. For supporting text and the logo tagline, the Josefin Sans typeface family was selected. It is a sans-serif and geometric font, which brings informality, youthfulness, and modernity. Josefin has various weight variations to create dynamism in running texts.

For photo editing, the colors of the palette were applied in two different ways. The first one involves overlaying the photos with a transparent layer in the palette color, editing the image naturally for photography use.
The second application aims to create design backgrounds, so the colors are applied more expressively, altering the original coloring of the photographs by 100%.

Also, as a supporting visual element, noise or grain textures, paper or plastic, and light were used, bringing modernity to communication and creating sophisticated and impactful images. For the communication of children's and women's ministries, softer and more delicate textures should be used.

A third font was used solely as a visual support element for the church's identity. Amalfi Coast, being a cursive typography, has low readability and functions abstractly by composing images and bringing modernity to the design of the pieces. To achieve this goal, it is used with low opacity and enlarged size so that its edges extend beyond the edges of the artwork.

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