- PT

Muito além do simples desenho de um logotipo, o desenvolvimento de uma marca envolve uma série de etapas que incluem pesquisa, análises, testes e planejamento. A partir dessas atividades, um padrão é definido, criado e aplicado em toda a comunicação da marca, tanto verbal quanto visual, de forma estratégica. Para alcançar uma comunicação integrada e eficaz, são utilizados elementos como textos, fotos, cores, formas, tom de voz e personalidade, além do próprio nome da marca, mantendo uma estratégia de comunicação intencional, alinhada aos objetivos e necessidades do negócio. Este documento desempenha a função de apresentar o universo da marca desenvolvido, fundamentar as decisões estratégicas relacionadas a cada elemento e esclarecer como a marca deve se comunicar na prática, servindo como um manual e guia para a sua empresa e colaboradores.

- EN

Beyond the mere design of a logo, developing a brand involves research, analysis, testing, and planning. Through this process, a standard is defined, created, and applied to all aspects of the brand's communication, whether verbal or visual, in a strategic manner. Texts, photos, colors, shapes, tone of voice, personality, and even the brand name are used for integrated and effective communication, maintaining an intentional communication strategy based on the business's objectives and needs. This document serves to present the created brand universe, support the strategic decisions of each element, and clarify how the brand should communicate in practice, serving as a manual and guide for your company and employees.

Sobre o Yuri

Especializado na criação e gestão de identidades visuais de marca, Yuri atua na área de design e marketing há mais de 7 anos, atendendo empreendedores e empresas por meio de comunicação estratégica. Yuri também é empreendedor e trabalha remotamente e de forma autônoma. Seus principais serviços incluem a criação completa de uma nova marca e a gestão ou consultoria de comunicação da marca. Ambos os tipos de serviços podem envolver outros profissionais especializados. O foco central está na qualidade e eficácia da comunicação visual de uma marca, construindo uma base sólida para o branding inicial de uma empresa.

About Yuri

Specializing in the creation and management of brand visual identities, Yuri has been working in the design and marketing field for over 7 years, serving entrepreneurs and companies through strategic communication. Yuri is also an entrepreneur who works remotely and autonomously. His main services include the complete creation of a new brand and the management or consultancy of brand communication. Both types of services may involve other specialized professionals. The central focus is on the quality and effectiveness of a brand's visual communication, building a strong foundation for the initial branding of a company.

To build strong, enduring brands of value that perfectly reflect entrepreneurs and their companies, effectively and efficiently communicating with their target audience both visually and verbally.

To be a reference and authority in brand visual strategy and communication for medium to large-sized entrepreneurs and companies.

Christian values, prioritizing conservative ethics and morality; passion and interest in entrepreneurship; focus on quality and final results. Effectiveness.


A empresa se posiciona como autoridade no assunto, onde o conhecimento especializado e personalizado justificam seus preços, bem como a qualidade do atendimento. Esse posicionamento é construído com a produção de conteúdo educativo gratuito e no relacionamento inicial com o cliente. Como estrategista, a empresa não se vende como um técnico de software, e sim um integrante fundamental na jornada de criação e comunicação de uma marca. Por isso, a orientação de marketing da empresa é para o “relacionamento”, e não para o “produto” ou “performance”. O objetivo é ser visto e procurado como alguém que tem criatividade, estratégia, atenção e cuidado com cada projeto, cada história e cada aventura que se compromete.


The company positions itself as an authority in the field, where specialized and personalized knowledge justifies its prices, as well as the quality of service. This positioning is built through the production of free educational content and the initial relationship with the client. As a strategist, the company doesn't sell itself as a software technician, but rather as a key player in the journey of creating and communicating a brand. Therefore, the company's marketing orientation is towards "relationship", not towards "product" or "performance". The goal is to be seen and sought after as someone who brings creativity, strategy, attention, and care to every project, every story, and every adventure it commits to.

Caregiver Archetype

Your desire is truly to help people, offer support, find ways to improve the lives of your clients. Embracing your archetype will allow you to provide assistance, establish authentic connections, and be a reliable source of help.
A warm, attentive, generous, and maternal approach provides a sense of security that tends to attract. Educational and awareness messages can be key.

Goal: Protect, take care of others, and assist.
Skill: Acting for others with compassion and generosity.
Weakness: Martyrdom and exploitation. Selfishness and ingratitude.

Creator Archetype

Part of the group desiring stability, focusing on innovation, new products, processes, structures, and marketing approaches. Attracts people who want to believe in something greater than themselves and want to be near it because they feel inspired by its vision. The Creator wields authority by making art. The practice of structuring experience in an artistic style gives a sense of power and also brings beauty to the world.

Goal: Develop a vision and create things of lasting value.
Skill: Develop artistic control, creativity, imagination.
Weakness: To be suffocated by one's own desire for perfection.

Brand Concept

Archers are not usually the protagonists of stories. Hidden, they provide support to the warrior who is on the frontline fighting to achieve their goal of defeating the enemy and protecting the people they love to bring about the deserved reward. In addition to an interest in the adventure universe, medieval games, and specifically in archery, Yuri's behavioral, temperamental, and personality traits are consistent with these types of characters.

The service of creating and strategically managing brands is aligned with the role of the archer. Similarly, the designer works behind the scenes with technical knowledge to plan and guide the entrepreneur to hit the target and be recognized by the people.


Empreendedores são heróis; protagonistas de suas histórias, famílias e empresas. Cada um conhece suas batalhas quando começa a trabalhar. Mas enfrentar um desafio diário pode ser complicado quando não se tem ajuda ou uma estratégia específica. Eu escolho ouvir a sua história e embarcar nessa aventura contigo, oferecendo suporte e planejamento para que você acerte o seu alvo e alcance a sua merecida vitória! Guerreiros devem se concentrar na linha de frente e liderar seu exército, por isso, sou o arqueiro em quem você pode confiar para cuidar e mapear a sua comunicação de marca.


Entrepreneurs are heroes; protagonists of their stories, families, and companies. Each one knows their battles when they start working. But facing a daily challenge can be tough when you don't have help or a specific strategy. I choose to listen to your story and embark on this adventure with you, providing support and planning so that you hit your target and achieve your deserved victory! Warriors must focus on the frontline and lead their army, so I am the archer you can trust to care for and map out your brand communication.

​​​​​​​"Every warrior needs an archer"


O arco e flecha é uma ferramenta utilizada por todos os povos ao longo da história, com sua origem desconhecida, mas registrada em pinturas rupestres. Diferentes tipos de arcos e flechas surgiram com muitas culturas.
Para estar alinhado com o conceito da marca, o design do logotipo precisou seguir a semiótica de um arco e flecha usado pelos povos europeus e norte-asiáticos, ao contrário daqueles usados pelos nativos americanos.


The bow and arrow is a tool used by all peoples throughout history, with its origin unknown but recorded in cave paintings. Different types of bows and arrows have emerged with many cultures. To be aligned with the brand concept, the logo design needed to follow the semiotics of a bow and arrow used by European and North Asian peoples, unlike those used by Native Americans.

Sobre a paleta

A cor principal escolhida para a paleta de cores da marca foi o verde. Dentre os arquétipos, o cuidador é o que pode ser encontrado na psicologia dessa cor, mas a decisão pelo verde também foi pautada no conceito do arqueiro e como suporte ao guerreiro. Após algumas pesquisas, podemos concluir que protagonistas e heróis são representados pelas cores primárias (verde, vermelho e amarelo), enquanto as secundárias são usadas nos coadjuvantes ou vilões. Não sabemos ao certo se essa estatística está baseada na cultura ou na história, ou realmente na psicologia das cores. O preto, branco e cinza cumprem a função de trazer sobriedade, respiração, formalidade e leveza para o visual da marca.

About the palette

The main color chosen for the brand's color palette was green. Among the archetypes, the caregiver is one that can be found in the psychology of this color, but the decision for green was also based on the concept of the archer and as support to the warrior. After some research, we can conclude that protagonists and heroes are represented by primary colors (green, red, and yellow), while secondary colors are used for supporting characters or villains. We are not sure if this statistic is based on culture or history, or truly on color psychology. Black, white, and gray serve to bring sobriety, breathing space, formality, and lightness to the brand's visual.

Sobre as fontes

A família tipográfica utilizada na marca é a Noto, desenvolvida pela Google. Ela foi escolhida pela sua qualidade e diversidade de pesos e larguras, com e sem serifas. A Noto tem a característica de ser globalmente harmoniosa, esteticamente correta e tipograficamente precisa, com suporte para mais de 1.000 idiomas e 150 sistemas de escrita. Essa tipografia tende a ser informal e amigável, o que corresponde com a marca. Porém, para manter um equilíbrio formal, será utilizada com atenção aos pesos e caixas altas nos títulos, subtítulos e corpos de texto.

About the Fonts

The typeface family used in the brand is Noto, developed by Google. It was chosen for its quality and diversity of weights and widths, with and without serifs. Noto is globally harmonious, aesthetically correct, and typographically precise, supporting over 1,000 languages and 150 writing systems. This typography tends to be informal and friendly, which aligns with the brand. However, to maintain a balanced formality, it will be used with attention to weights and uppercase in titles, subtitles, and body text.

The pattern can be used on covers, image backgrounds, prints, and in details in general communication, reinforcing the brand identity. For this visual support, the shapes that make up the logo symbol (the bow and arrow) were shuffled to create an abstract visual pattern. This pattern is used in grass green color, with low opacity and symbols in reduced size.

For photo editing, the colors of the palette were applied, resulting in two different presets in Lightroom. The first one is based on reducing the temperature, making the image cooler, and applying the green color to the shadows and bluish tones of the photo. The second editing preset is black and white, reinforcing the monochromatic grayscale tones of the brand's color palette.

Also, as a visual support element, images or illustrations that depict the universe of the concept can be used: archers, forests, warriors, medieval things, etc. Always aligned with the brand's general attributes.

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