Sobre a Sincerity

Fundada com base na vasta experiência do seu proprietário, a Sincerity é uma empresa de assessoria em comércio exterior que facilita operações entre a China e o Brasil. Oferecem serviços completos, incluindo despachos comerciais, agenciamento marítimo e aéreo, desembaraço aduaneiro, e consultoria em gestão empresarial. Seu público-alvo é composto por empresários brasileiros, de 30 a 50 anos, que importam diversos produtos da China para o Brasil. São empresas de varejo e distribuição, manufatura, tecnologia, moda e design, alimentos e bebidas, saúde, bem-estar, construção, infraestrutura, etc.

About Sincerity

Founded on the extensive experience of its owner, Sincerity is a foreign trade consultancy company that facilitates operations between China and Brazil. They offer comprehensive services, including commercial dispatches, sea and air freight forwarding, customs clearance, and business management consulting. Their target audience consists of Brazilian entrepreneurs, aged 30 to 50, who import various products from China to Brazil. These are retail and distribution, manufacturing, technology, fashion and design, food and beverage, health, wellness, construction, infrastructure, and other companies.


A Sincerity se posiciona como especialista no segmento, dada a experiência e o conhecimento especializado em comércio internacional. A Sincerity tem compromisso com a qualidade, a inovação e a diferenciação, trabalhando para garantir a excelência no design, marketing e sucesso dos produtos de seus clientes. A empresa se baseia na confiança mútua com seus clientes, fornecendo serviços confiáveis, transparentes e de alta qualidade. Isso ajuda a fortalecer os laços de confiança e lealdade ao longo do tempo. Por isso, o foco da empresa é atrair clientes que valorizam essa excelência, confiabilidade e parceria de longo prazo em suas operações de comércio exterior.


Sincerity positions itself as a specialist in the segment, given its experience and specialized knowledge in international trade. Sincerity is committed to quality, innovation, and differentiation, working to ensure excellence in design, marketing, and the success of its clients' products. The company is based on mutual trust with its clients, providing reliable, transparent, and high-quality services. This helps strengthen the bonds of trust and loyalty over time. Therefore, the company's focus is to attract clients who value this excellence, reliability, and long-term partnership in their foreign trade operations.

Ruler Archetype

The Ruler desires control above all and is a dominant personality. They get the job done on time, within budget, and above expectations. This archetype conveys a sense of exclusivity and power. As a brand or professional where the Ruler Archetype is predominant, you yearn to lead powerfully, establish a strong position, and communicate value with authority.

Objective: To be prosperous, successful, and have control of the community.
Skill: Responsibility and leadership exercising power.
Weakness: Being authoritarian, unable to delegate chaos.

Creator Archetype

Part of the group that desires stability, the Creator focuses on innovation, new products, new processes, new structures, and marketing approaches. It attracts people who want to believe in something bigger than themselves and want to be close to it because they feel inspired by its vision. The Creator exercises authority by making art. The practice of structuring the experience in an artistic style gives a sense of power and also brings beauty to the world.

Objective: To develop a vision and create things of lasting value.
Skill: Developing artistic control, creativity, imagination.
Weakness: Being stifled by their own desire for perfection.

Brand Concept

The brand name, Sincerity, symbolizes the company's intentional culture of working honestly, sincerely, and truthfully. Additionally, Sincerity's vision of excellence is based on the belief that we should not settle for existing market novelties but instead create something innovative. The brand was created based on the characteristics of its founder, a successful Chinese entrepreneur who stands out in Brazil for his knowledge and experience. Therefore, the archetypes chosen to represent the brand are the Ruler and the Creator.


A Sincerity acredita que o verdadeiro poder do comércio internacional reside na autenticidade e na inovação. Somos a ponte que une Brasil e China, oferecendo mais do que a facilitação de importações; garantimos sinceridade e integridade em cada transação. Combinamos décadas de experiência em comércio internacional com uma visão moderna. Nosso compromisso é transformar o comércio exterior, criando soluções personalizadas que atendem às necessidades únicas de cada cliente, garantindo qualidade excepcional. Valorizamos a integridade, a praticidade e a inovação. Comprometidos com a transparência e a ética, oferecemos um serviço confiável e transformador para negócios que desejam expandir além das fronteiras.


Sincerity believes that the true power of international trade lies in authenticity and innovation. We are the bridge that connects Brazil and China, offering more than just import facilitation; we ensure sincerity and integrity in every transaction. We combine decades of experience in international trade with a modern vision. Our commitment is to transform foreign trade by creating personalized solutions that meet each client's unique needs, ensuring exceptional quality. We value integrity, practicality, and innovation. Committed to transparency and ethics, we offer reliable and transformative services for businesses looking to expand beyond borders.

We trust in excellence.


The Sincerity logo icon is a cargo symbol with simple semiotics, capable of representing a container, a bucket, or a box. The design was created following the same structure and grid of the "Sincerity" name typography, which also has geometric characteristics and similar details. The semiotics of the logo, along with the psychology of its form, conveys feelings aligned with the Ruler archetype, being firm, strong, secure, and modern.

Sobre a paleta

A paleta de cores reflete os valores e a união das culturas brasileira e chinesa. O azul marinho e o azul claro representam confiança, sinceridade e autoridade, alinhando-se ao arquétipo do Governante e destacando nossa conexão com o Brasil. O vermelho traz paixão, criatividade e a agressividade competitiva na inovação, simbolizando nossa origem e expertise na China, e refletindo o arquétipo do Criador. O preto, branco e cinza fornecem uma base de luxo, excelência e de neutralidade, equilibrando a força das cores primárias. Juntas, essas cores comunicam nossa integridade, inovação e compromisso com a excelência no comércio internacional.

About the Palette

The color palette reflects the values and union of Brazilian and Chinese cultures. Navy blue and light blue represent trust, sincerity, and authority, aligning with the Ruler archetype and highlighting our connection with Brazil. Red brings passion, creativity, and competitive aggressiveness in innovation, symbolizing our origin and expertise in China, and reflecting the Creator archetype.
Black, white, and gray provide a base of luxury, excellence, and neutrality, balancing the strength of the primary colors. Together, these colors communicate our integrity, innovation, and commitment to excellence in international trade.

Sobre as fontes

A família tipográfica da fonte Inter foi escolhida para uso geral da marca. Ela é uma fonte Sans Serif Transicional, básica, simples, leve, amigável e muito versátil. Com uma ampla variedade de pesos, vai desde a versão mais leve (Thin) até a mais pesada (Black), além de oferecer a opção de itálico e de incluir todos os caracteres do idioma português brasileiro. A fonte usada como base para o logotipo, Audiowide, foi estilizada exclusivamente para esse propósito e, portanto, não deve ser utilizada para nenhum outro fim.

About the Fonts

The Inter typeface family was chosen for general brand use. It is a Transitional Sans Serif font, basic, simple, light, friendly, and very versatile. With a wide range of weights, it goes from the lightest version (Thin) to the heaviest (Black), as well as offering the option of italics and including all the characters of the Brazilian Portuguese language. The font used as the basis for the logo, Audiowide, was styled exclusively for this purpose and, therefore, should not be used for any other purpose.

Also as a visual support element, the icon can be used as a subtle and transparent watermark, being discreet enough not to interfere with the main content's visualization or readability. It can be enlarged so that its edges extend beyond the screen, making it even more abstract.

The pattern can be applied on covers, backgrounds, images, prints, and details in general communication, reinforcing the brand identity. For this visual support, the logo icon was replicated regularly and with low opacity, creating a cohesive and abstract visual pattern.

The images used in the brand's communication should be sober, without many visual elements polluting the image. Preferably use cooler color editing. All this will maintain the brand's elegance and reinforce its color palette. The presence of black, white, and gray helps in the sobriety of the image. Blue and red colors can be present more freely, but other strong colors should be avoided whenever possible.

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